Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Colour Theory - Part 1

Colours are an integral part of painting. Understanding of colours , how to get a particular colour shade is very important . The first lesson which I'll start my blog with is Colour Theory. Sharing with you all my understanding of colours and how to prepare our own colour palette .

To start with - Colours can be grouped in three segments - Primary , Secondary and Tertiary colours.

PRIMARY  COLOURS are the pure colours. They cannot be made by mixing together other colours. RED, BLUE and YELLOW are the primary colours.

SECONDARY COLOURS -   When we mix two primary colours together, three secondary colours are made;

Red      +  Yellow makes  Orange .
Yellow  +   Blue makes  Green.
Blue     +  Red makes  Violet.
The resulting hue depends on which hue of red , blue and yellow we are using as primary colour.

 TERTIARY COLOURS - We get tertiary colours also known as 'intermediate colours', by mixing together a primary colour with an equal amount of  the secondary colour next to it on colour wheel.

Red    + Orange gives Red-Orange
Yellow + Orange gives Yellow-Orange
Yellow + Green gives Yellow-Green
Blue    + Green gives Blue - Green
Blue    + Violet gives Blue - Violet
Red     + Violet  gives Red -Violet
Primary colour - Red (crimson)

Secondary Colour - Red + blue= Violet

Primary Colour -Blue (cobalt)
Secondary Colour- Blue +Yellow = Green

Primary Colour -Yellow (Lemon)
Secondary Colour - Red + Yellow= Orange

Tertiary Colour- Red + Violet
Tertiary Colour - Blue + Green 

Tertiary Colour -Red  + Orange
Tertiary Colour -  Yellow + Orange
Tertiary Colour- Blue  + Violet

Tertiary Colour- Yellow + Green

 The colours are also known as hues. The Secondary and the tertiary colours are always darker or lighter than the primary colours/hues. One can create the colour spectrum in a wheel shape , or squares or rectangles or any form which one likes, but I like more of squares and rectangles.
In the upcoming post I'll be discussing tints, shades and tones, values, warm and cool colours.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

A New Beginning !!!

B.A (hons) in Economics, M.B.A by profession, I have always found peace in colors. Corporate job was never my cup of tea. It's in my paintings and creativity  where I find my solace !!
The ambitions inside me were always looking for a window, and my creativity got me here.
Learning, exploring colors has been an amazing journey:)

Today running my own art studio, I am enjoying my journey as an artist, as an art facilitator for my art community. 
Connecting people to their creative imaginations, is deeply gratifying.
This journey of mine from being a Mother to finding a niche for me, to create a world of my own is self-rewarding.

Like they say "I am ME that is my power."

Setting up my foot in this world of blogging is going to be transforming for me. Starting up  my own blog to share my understanding and experiences of colors, mediums, painting styles and techniques, and different arts and crafts

Stay tuned to be a part of this artistic journey.....

"Your Limitation- It's Only Your Imagination." I firmly believe in this....

Tips for drawing

Hi there, As in my previous lesson I have mentioned about the materials needed for sketching/drawing, now before we get to drawing / sketch...